employee or contractor?

The IRS 20 Question Acid Test for determining if you are an employee or contractor

Due to a surprising outcome of a 1992 Microsoft lawsuit involving temp staffers who claimed benefits, many companies have adopted strong policies around the use of non employee working relationships.  LXI although flexible in our abilities to meet our consultants needs around compensation for work, adheres to strict guidelines around employment and other  related relationships.

The traditional tests to determine whether a worker is an employee or independent contractor involve the concept of control:

Are the services of the worker subject to the Taxpayer’s will and control over what must be done and how it must be done? In Revenue Ruling 87-41, 1987-1 CB 296, the IRS developed 20 factors used to determine whether a worker is an independent contractor under the common law. Remember: The burden of proof is on the taxpayer; therefore, in general, at least 11 of these factors must show independent contractor status under the common law tests.

For the following questions, a “yes” answer means the worker is an employee.

For the following questions, a “yes” answer means the worker is an independent contractor.